AES Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary
Open gallery
AES celebrated its 50th anniversary with a gathering of former alumni, colleagues, students, staff, and friends of the program at a morning reception that coincided with Lewis & Clark’s Alumni Weekend this past June, 2022.
Please join AES on October 13th for an Open House for Lewis & Clark faculty & staff. Stop by the AES offices in Albany 104 between 11 and 1 for light refreshments and conversation with current AES faculty and students. Take the AES Quiz to enter the raffle.
Timeline in photos: AES 1972-2022
More Academic English Studies Stories
Academic English Studies (AES) is located in Albany Quadrangle on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 125
voice 503-768-7310
fax 503-768-7320
Director: Laura Shier
Academic English Studies (AES)
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219