Campaign Update
Major Gifts and Pledges
Lewis & Clark thanks its generous donors for these recent major gifts and pledges.
Campaign Goal: $155,000,000
As of March 17, 2023:
Total Raised: $147,456,268
% to Goal: 95%
A gift of $1.5 million from the Robert D. and Marcia H. Randall Charitable Trust to fund a tenured professor of entrepreneurship
A $1 million bequest from an anonymous donor for an endowed College of Arts & Sciences scholarship
A gift of $100,000 from Lynne and Donald Bulens for the Bulens Family Posse Scholarship
A $100,000 future bequest from Robert P. Scales JD ’79 for the law school
A $90,000 future bequest from Ramona Gifford BS ’56 for the College of Arts and Sciences
A gift of $50,000 from the Barrese Family (who have a student in the Class of 2024) for a new rowing shell for the Pioneer Crew Team
A gift of $50,000 from Mary Teichert and Tom Griffith (who have a student in the Class of 2026) for a new rowing shell for the Pioneer Crew Team
A gift of $25,000 from Alumni Board President Chris Ohman BS ’77 and Tamara Uecker for the Jerry Gatto Baseball Field Renovation Fund
A future bequest from Richard “Dick” Nelson BS ’61 and Diana Nelson BS ’60 for the College of Arts and Sciences
A lead gift from Luella “Lue” Lilly BS ’59 to establish the Hester Turner Endowment for the Enhancement of Women’s Athletics
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Lewis & Clark Magazine
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219