Data Sharing and Unit-Record Data Release Policy
The Office of Institutional Research and Planning (IR) has access to a wide variety of data points. Most of these data are actually owned by other offices and contain highly confidential and sensitive information. There is also considerable time and effort involved in preparing datasets for external analysis. Aggregate data such as enrollment, retention, and graduation rates are available to the public on the Institutional Research website.
If you need information that is not posted, please use the L&C Data Request Form to make your request.
Most of the data available is aggregate in nature. That is, there are no individual identifying factors that can be tied back to specific students, faculty or staff on campus. Please note that the IR will not release any unit-record data (data with such identifying factors) except under very specific conditions. Normally, all identifiers (such as ID number or name) will be stripped, thereby maintaining the confidentiality of the data. The specific conditions for release of unit- record data are:
Requests by trustee members, senior administrators and faculty representatives of standing committees or academic departments for decision-support, institutional planning or departmental assessment, upon approval by the appropriate senior officer.
Requests by recognized researchers for scholarly work, to be considered by IR and the appropriate senior officer. A request for data must include reason for research, intended audience, and plans for dissemination and/or publication.
Unit-record datasets cannot be released to any other parties, including students (even for classroom use or research purposes). One exception to this policy is that of class rosters released to instructors from the Registrar Offices. To be eligible to receive any data with identifying factors, the recipient must complete the FERPA tutorial located on the Registrar’s Website.
Aggregate results of some Institutional Research surveys are considered public and are posted on the IR homepage. Although this information is not subject to FERPA regulations, data posted in the IR website and aggregate data released to you should still be handled with care.
Questions about this policy should be directed to the Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Planning.
Mark Figueroa
Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Planning
September 15, 2015
Institutional Research is located in Frank Manor House on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 37
Institutional Research
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219