Exempt Staff Invited to Offer Feedback on New L&C Staff Council Proposal
Last summer, six exempt employees formed a working group to research ways of organizing a Lewis & Clark Staff Council. Exempt staff—unlike faculty and union staff—do not currently have an organized body within the institution to support their work, promote collaboration and communication, and to serve as an advisory body to the Executive Council.
After researching approaches taken by other colleges, an exempt staff working group drafted a Lewis & Clark Staff Council Proposal and will host a series of listening sessions for exempt staff from all three schools and Common Services to gauge interest and gather feedback.
Monday, January 29, 10 – 11 a.m., Faculty Reading Room - Law campus
Thursday, February 1, 3 – 4 p.m., Corbett 112 - Grad campus
Monday, February 5, 10 – 11 a.m., Albany 207 - CAS campus
Tuesday, February 6, 9 – 10 a.m., Zoom
Exempt staff who are unable to attend a listening session but would still like to share their thoughts, should email any member of the working group:
- Assistant Vice President of Sponsored Projects & Research Compliance Kelly DelFatti
- Director of Operations and Finance Scott Feickert
- Director of Overseas & Off-Campus Programs Blythe Knott
- Director of the Lewis & Clark First Year Experience Jonathan Manz
- Assistant Dean of Student Success and Retention, Director of the College Advising Center and CAS Advisor Katie McFaddin
- Associate Director of Overseas & Off-Campus Programs Kaitlin Sommerfeld
Any feedback—whether in person or by email—will help ensure that this initiative accurately represents and addresses the needs and concerns of exempt staff across the institution.
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Associate Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer Helen Howell
Human Resources
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219